What's New

New updates and improvements to Summate.

Summate Summer Update: Chrome Extension, 10 New Languages and More

Summate Summer Update: Chrome Extension, 10 New Languages and More

We're excited to announce all the features we've been working on over the summer!

🧩 Chrome Extension

Chrome Extension

We are thrilled to announce that we've released a Chrome Extension that allows you to summarize any website (including YouTube videos). It's available to all users of Summate.

Learn more about it here and check out our docs to get started!

🌍 Translations in Digests & Extension


We've finally added support for translated summarization in digests (and extension)!

This has been a highly requested feature with many upvotes, and we are excited to finally ship it.

We currently support 11 languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Portuguese, Czech, Hungarian, and Japanese.

Now you can read summaries in your digest in the language you want.

Check out our docs to learn more and feel free to request a new language.

💸 Launch of an Affiliate Program

We are launching an affiliate program. Refer us to your audience and earn 30% of lifetime payments from your referrals.

Learn more about it here and start earning passive income today!

🔧 Other Improvements and Changes

  • 🚀 Launched an Unlimited Plan for our power users. Learn more.
  • 🐛 Tons of bug fixes and performance improvements on the website and digest generation speed.
  • 🔗 Optimized our integration with YouTube and Substack; now it's faster and more reliable.
  • 🚨 Had our first database outage and implemented a recovery mechanism to never lose received emails.
  • 🔍 Improved RSS Feed finding algorithm. Learn more.

🤔 What's Next?

We've been working hard on increasing the value of Summate for you, our users. And we're just getting started. The main focus right now is to ship Digests 2.0 and improve the onboarding process for our new users.

In the meantime, we'll keep you updated here, via our newsletter, Twitter, and Discord.

If you have any feature requests or feedback, please let us know by either going to our Discord or feedback board.

May 2024: New Documentation Website

May 2024: New Documentation Website

Excited to announce that we've revamped our documentation website.

You can visit it at docs.summate.io.

We will be adding more tutorials to it in the coming days.

April 2024: Digest in the Web, New UI and more

April 2024: Digest in the Web, New UI and more

Today, we are announcing a completely redesigned UI! It's more compact on both Web & Mobile, and hopefully helps you read better.

We also finally shipped ability to read your digests in the web. You can read all of your previous digests there as well.

Also, many more minor improvements have been made – let's dive in.

1. 📰 Digests in The Web

We now support reading digests in the web.

You can just head to summate.io/digest and see all of your digests.

2. 🎨 Full redesign of UI

We have finally made UI better, in terms of navigation and also in terms of reading summaries / newsletters.

It might be still slightly buggy on very old mobile devices, but should be stellar reading experience outside of it.

March 2024: Fully revamped summarization algorithm and more

March 2024: Fully revamped summarization algorithm and more

This week, we are announcing a completely new summarization algorithm! It's more comprehensive, accurate and allows to jump-to-read to an exact part of a newsletter.

Also, many more minor improvements have been made – let's dive in.

1. 🆕 New Summarization Algorithm

New Summarization Algorithm

We shipped new summarization algorithm. It has:

  • Better Quality of TL;DRs without any extra fluff.
  • 📚 The most information-dense key points you've seen: short-summary in bold + explanation of that idea for improved reading experience
  • 🔥 Ability to "jump-to-read" to an exact part of a newsletter by clicking on a key point

These summaries are available to all users of summate. Try it out today and give us feedback to support@summate.io.

2. 🛠️ Our First Integration

Readwise Integration We are excited to announce our first integration – with Readwise Reader.

Now, once you add your Readwise API token, you will have ability to save your newsletters to Readwise Reader.

FAQ on how to get started.

3. 🛣️ Public Roadmap & Feedback Tool

Public Roadmap

We now have a public roadmap and feedback tool. You can access it here.

We encourage you to go and add your own ideas on how summate can be better or see what other users propose to improve and vote!

Find Anything, New Pricing Plan and More

Find Anything, New Pricing Plan and More

This week, we are announcing a command palette and a new pricing plan! Additionally, many more minor improvements have been made – let's dive in.

1. 🔎 Find Anything

Search Bar

We are excited to announce that we are introducing a command palette to our website!

Now, you can click ⌘K and search for any page or any email subscription that you have.

This is the first step towards a future, more robust search that we plan to introduce.

2. 🗓️ New Pricing Plan & Sunset of Free Plan

New Pricing Plan We are excited to introduce a new pricing plan: Essential. It will include all features from the Pro plan and will be priced at $4/month for the time being.

We are also going to sunset our support for users of the legacy free plan. You can read the reasoning on that here.

A guide on how to migrate from the Free plan to the Essential/Pro plan can be found here.

3. 🛠️ Minor improvements

We also shipped a bunch of minor improvements:

  • 🐞 Fixed a bug for the incorrect drop of a fraction of forwarded emails. There were 5 emails dropped because of that, and we have restored all of them.
  • 📧 Removed the Forwarded section from the email reading experience. Now, if you directly forward a message, it will not include headers: From/To/Date/Subject and ----Forwarded Message----.
  • ⏰ Introduced reminders for the trial end. Now, 2 days before your free trial ends, you will receive an email with a reminder.
  • 🔄 Added support for aliasing emails. Previously, raduan@summate.io and raduan+alias1@summate.io would result in 2 different senders. Now, we have unified them into one, which should make your inbox cleaner.
  • 📬 We are starting to share these updates now via email. If you don't want to hear from us, feel free to unsubscribe.
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