Tired of Unread Newsletters?

Get daily digest with summaries of your newsletters. Read only what matters. Save up to 10 hours, every week.

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Loved by 2500+ busy newsletter readers

How it works in 90 seconds:

Join those who value their time.

Optimized for speed

Start in 3 simple steps

Go through onboarding once and start receiving your personalized summary digests.

Finally, Reach Inbox Zero

Read only what matters. Reclaim your time.

Too many places asking for your email?

Use AI inbox and subscribe to all of them, instead.

Feature 02

Everything in one place.

Subscribe to any newsletter or forward any email. Everything will be included into one digest.

beehiiv logo
every logo

Stop having FOMO.

Read a newsletter on your terms and don't worry that you miss out on anything.

Feature Connections

No more language barriers.

We provide translations of summaries into the language of your choice.

Never forward an email again.

Generate a beautiful web page that you can share to anyone you want, with summary included.

Share feature

Never miss anything again.

Click on any key takeaway and jump to read the most relevant part of an actual newsletter.

Jump to read feature

Superpowers You Gain

Reclaim Your Attention

Stop checking your feeds constantly. Read on your schedule.

Cut Through The Noise

Never waste time on irrelevant content again.

Improve Your Focus

Scheduled reading allows you to focus on what's important at hand. Never have FOMO again.

Reach Inbox Zero

Tired of hundreds of unread newsletters? Unsubscribe from them and read all in one place.

Optimize Information

Some long video or an article should have been just a tweet ;)

Stop Wasting Time

Don't waste your time on clickbaits which tell you the same information you already know.

Cut through the noise

State of the Art Summarization.

Read summaries from our gallery to see for yourself.

Wall of Love 💜

Read what our users think.

How Much Do You Value Your Time?

Average Summate user saves around 10 hours each week.

🔥 4 months free on annual plans
$4/mo, billed annually

(that's $0.13 per day)
Start your free trial. Cancel in 1 click.
Start Free Trial
Features Available:
  • double-tick
    Unlimited sources to summarize from
  • double-tick
    100 GPT-mini summaries per week
  • double-tick
    100 Chrome Extension summary credits
  • double-tick
    Daily / Weekly digests
  • double-tick
    Personal AI Inbox address
$8/mo, billed annually

(that's $0.27 per day)
Start your free trial. Cancel in 1 click.
Start Free Trial
Everything in Essential, plus:
  • double-tick
    Support for YouTube, RSS
  • double-tick
    500 GPT-4 summaries per week
  • double-tick
    500 Chrome Extension summary credits
  • double-tick
    Pro Members-only Discord group
  • double-tick
    Priority Support
  • double-tick
    Ability to shape our Roadmap
$20/mo, billed annually

(that's $0.67 per day)
Start your free trial. Cancel in 1 click.
Start Free Trial
Everything in Pro, plus:
  • double-tick
    Unlimited GPT-4 summaries
  • double-tick
    Unlimited Chrome Extension summary credits
  • double-tick
    24/7 Priority Support
  • double-tick
    Request Custom Integrations

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions we get.



Still have questions? Email us at support@summate.io or visit our docs.

Become Efficient

Take control of your time.

Sign up today and start receiving summary digests of your newsletters.

Start your free trial with 500 summary credits.
Cancel in 1 click.